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Calibration device of Water Meter at Any Position
From: 2018-05-09

1. Background

According to GBT778.3-2007 National Standard of the People’s Republic of China "Measurement of Water Flow in Closed Pipes, Cold Drinking Water Meters and Hot Water Meters Part 3: Test Methods and Test Equipment" Article 5.7.4 The orientation of the water meter and JJG162- 2007 The People's Republic of China National Metrological Verification Regulations "Cold Water Meters" Article A.

d) The orientation of the water meter has the following requirements: if the water meter is marked with an'H' mark, the connecting pipe should be installed with the flow axis in the horizontal direction during the test (the display device is on the top). If the water meter is marked with a'V' mark, the connecting pipe should be installed with the flow axis in the vertical direction during the test (the inlet is at the lower end).

If there is no "H" or "V" on the water meter:

a) At least one sample water meter should be installed with the flow axis in the vertical direction and the flow direction from bottom to top;

b) At least one sample water meter should be installed with the flow axis in the vertical direction and the flow direction from top to bottom;

c) At least one sample water meter should be installed at an intermediate angle between the vertical and horizontal flow axis (selected by the approval agency);

d) The remaining sample water meters should be installed with the flow axis in the horizontal direction.

2. Measures

In order to meet the requirements of new standards and the needs of developing new products, we designed the following devices to meet the test at any position of the water meter (see picture)

When work is required, the device is clamped on the standard calibration platform, and the test work at different positions is completed through the inlet and outlet connecting pipes, the measured water meter, the U-shaped connecting pipe, and the hydraulic support rod. The device has a simple structure and an investment It is economical, reliable in work, and the water meter can be clamped in different positions on the left and right to facilitate the test with the flow direction from bottom to top or top to bottom.





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